Rembrandt Fusion
Rembrandt Fusion

Rembrandt Fusion, after two different Rembrandt self-portraits, acrylic on artist canvas board, 12" X 9", was begun by fine artist George Porter as a free drawing and painting demonstration at Michael's Stores in Portland, Oregon in November 2016. After studying two different self-portraits done by the master Renaissance painter Rembrandt, and then creating several digitized color separations, the artist began a free drawing demonstration by freehand sketching the image using charcoal and a vector drawing method that he has perfected and shares with students. In the painting demonstration, the artist laid in light washes of Grumbacher acrylic paint as an underpainting in the classic Renaissance style. After many more layers of paint and varnish, this little jewel of a painting is now available for purchase in the artist's online shop. For information about upcoming art  demonstrations and art classes by George Porter in the Portland area, please contact the artist.

Clown Sunday acrylic on canvas by George Porter
Clown Sunday acrylic on canvas by George Porter

Painted on location at Lake View Village in Lake Oswego, Oregon on September 25, 2016 while participating in the 2016 Lake Oswego Plein Air Paint Out sponsored by the Arts Council of Lake Oswego, fine artist George Porter has captured a happy and colorful scene of clowns painting children's faces in the common area overlooking the lake. This 12" X 12" painting, rendered in acrylic on canvas, will be on display at the Arts Council of Lake Oswego's 510 Museum and ARTSpace, 510 First Street, Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 in the juried group fine art show, Lake Oswego Plein Air Exhibit, from October 7-28, 2016. The public is invited to attend the Opening Reception from 5PM to 7PM on Friday, October 7, 2016. Clown Sunday is priced at $250.00 USD.

Rembrandt Fusion
Clown Sunday acrylic on canvas by George Porter
Rembrandt Fusion

Rembrandt Fusion, after two different Rembrandt self-portraits, acrylic on artist canvas board, 12" X 9", was begun by fine artist George Porter as a free drawing and painting demonstration at Michael's Stores in Portland, Oregon in November 2016. After studying two different self-portraits done by the master Renaissance painter Rembrandt, and then creating several digitized color separations, the artist began a free drawing demonstration by freehand sketching the image using charcoal and a vector drawing method that he has perfected and shares with students. In the painting demonstration, the artist laid in light washes of Grumbacher acrylic paint as an underpainting in the classic Renaissance style. After many more layers of paint and varnish, this little jewel of a painting is now available for purchase in the artist's online shop. For information about upcoming art  demonstrations and art classes by George Porter in the Portland area, please contact the artist.

Clown Sunday acrylic on canvas by George Porter

Painted on location at Lake View Village in Lake Oswego, Oregon on September 25, 2016 while participating in the 2016 Lake Oswego Plein Air Paint Out sponsored by the Arts Council of Lake Oswego, fine artist George Porter has captured a happy and colorful scene of clowns painting children's faces in the common area overlooking the lake. This 12" X 12" painting, rendered in acrylic on canvas, will be on display at the Arts Council of Lake Oswego's 510 Museum and ARTSpace, 510 First Street, Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 in the juried group fine art show, Lake Oswego Plein Air Exhibit, from October 7-28, 2016. The public is invited to attend the Opening Reception from 5PM to 7PM on Friday, October 7, 2016. Clown Sunday is priced at $250.00 USD.

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